The Findley Flyers are flying along this year, running 3,937 miles so far!!! 429 runners and walkers joined us over the past two months to continue to run towards their goals.
On of our themes this year is "How Far Will You Go?" Ask your child what they like about moving, how far they have run, and if they have set a Findley Flyer goal. Is it a half marathon, 13 miles? Is it a 10 mile token? Or do they want to run a marathon? On thing is for certain, they are working hard out there and in the process, learning that moving is fun!
And the results are in.....
November/December Totals
Miles Children
Kindergarten 175.5 75
1st Grade 330.75 115
2nd Grade 216.75 78
3rd Grade 183.5 68
4th Grade 163 44
5th Grade 102.75 49
Volunteer with us!