FF Overview

Welcome to Findley Elementary School Running Club!
Track your mileage and run a marathon (or more) with your friends during lunch recess (Tuesday) or before school (Thursday 8AM - under cover in the rain or shine on the track ).


Mileage Clubs (September 2013)

Findley Flyers are having some fun and clocking some miles while we are at it.  Ask you child if they know how far their grade ran last month (and check out the answer below): 

Kindergarten:   102 Miles
1st Grade:  288 Miles
2nd Grade:   352 Miles
3rd Grade: 326 Miles
4th Grade 346 Miles
5th Grade: 198 Miles (were rained out one day)
That's 1,621 Miles total!

Does your child have a goal they are running towards in October?

Come join us as we run into November and December!  Check out our newly updated volunteer opportunities:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094CA9A723A75-findley

Questions about any of this?  Please email findleyflyers@gmail.com

Happy running!!!