FF Overview

Welcome to Findley Elementary School Running Club!
Track your mileage and run a marathon (or more) with your friends during lunch recess (Tuesday) or before school (Thursday 8AM - under cover in the rain or shine on the track ).


11 weeks left ... to meet your goals

Spring is all around us, it’s getting warmer and the flowers are blooming while our legs keep running. Join your friends on Tuesday,  March 17th for our very own Findley Flyers Find the Shamrock Run. See if you can find and count the number of lucky Shamrocks hanging around the Findley track during your grade’s lunch recess. 

There are 11 weeks left of running club, so stay committed to your goal -- whether that is 1 lap a week, or 1 marathon by the end of the year. 


Season of marathoners

The season of marathoners  crossing the finish line has arrived.  

With three weeks left, the children know how many laps or miles they run in a week and are calculating when they will meet their goals. Most will reach their goal before the end of the year! Thanks to a dedicated group of encouraging training partners, parents, siblings, teachers and flyer friends.  

To celebrate our last days running and walking together this year, come join us the last week of running club, Tuesday, June 2nd and/or Thursday, June 4th, during our regularly scheduled times for the Findley Flyers Flip Flop Fun Run. You can try to say that five times fast!  It is our way to say, congratulations on another fun year of run club, goodbye to any old running shoes, and hello to summer sandals and flip flops. 

Enjoy your last miles and laps with your Flyer friends!!! 

—  If you have any old running shoes that are getting too small, children or adult sizes, bring a pair to donate to the collection bin.
—  Running in flip flops is not advised. Please wear appropriate running shoes, or walk. 
— There will be no running club on June 9th and 11th.